Business case on RECP assessment in “GREEN AGE” Greenhouse Charentsavan

Business case on RECP assessment in “GREEN AGE” Greenhouse Charentsavan

“Green Age” Greenhouse Charentsavan specializes in growing fruits and vegetables, particularly tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and strawberries. Founded with a dedication to producing environmentally friendly and pollutant-free foods, the greenhouse operates on the principles of Circular Economy. Within its ecosystem, fish are also cultivated, with their bioactive waste serving as a natural fertilizer for plant growth. Motivated to achieve more energy-efficient production, the company participated in the RECP Demonstration Project under EU4Environment (2019-2024).

The RECP assessment examined the production site and identified several RECP options, out of which five were prioritized by the company, with the last three already being implemented:
RECP option 1. Expanding the surface area of the growing plants with a perlite layer: This would increase the efficiency of the greenhouse, albeit at the expense of increasing the amount of crucian carp in the fishpond.
RECP option 2. Increasing the number of fish from 60 to 240: The rise would boost plant productivity.
RECP option 3. Cultivating basil during the summer months: When the schoolchildren are on vacation, the measure could provide an additional income (the estimated revenue for six harvests over three months is 1,813 EUR).
RECP option 4. Installing photovoltaic (PV) solar panels: In total, 50 panels with an output of 40 kW would help reduce electricity consumption and allow for new opportunities to grow vegetables (three harvests in a year).
RECP option 5. Covering the greenhouse with a polyethylene film: This would mitigate the adverse effects of the cold season by insulating the greenhouse with polyethylene film, creating an air space between the inner and outer layers. This isolated air acts as an insulator, retaining heat within the greenhouse.

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