Business case on RECP assessment in Armavir Green Club member "SUN CHEERS"
“Sun Cheers” was founded in 2018 as a small family hobby that gradually grew into a stable and thriving business, employing numerous gardeners and staff. The business began with fruits from its own garden, and today, the company produces over 14 different products, including dried fruit sweets and chocolate-covered dried fruits. Its market spans various regions of Armenia, including Yerevan, as well as abroad. Motivated to address production costs and improve product quality, the company participated in the RECP Green Clubs project under EU4Environment (2019-2024).
Business case on RECP assessment in Armavir Green Club member "Karmir Katar"
"Karmir Katar" specializes in the incubation and sale of eggs, chicks, poultry, and poultry slaughterhouse services. Its market reach extends to various regions within Armenia, including Yerevan. The largest share of the cost of egg production is attributed to feed, influenced by the aviary's microclimate. This means that there are limited climatic conditions within the aviary, which include the integrity of the physical characteristics of the surrounding environment (temperature, relative air humidity, air movement velocity, as well as the gaseous composition of air, noise level, and the composition of ions and suspended particles, microorganisms, etc.). Motivated to address production costs and improve product quality, the company participated in the RECP Green Clubs project under EU4Environment (2019-2024).
Business case on RECP assessment in Shirak Green Club member "MUR-HAR" LLC
Founded in 2001, "Mur Har" LLC specializes in bakery products, offering 40-50 varieties, including Armenian lavash, matnakash, bread, rolls, cookies, pies, pastries, and muffins. In 2021, the company introduced a new product, tannin, used for aging cognac. This is exclusively derived from oak wood and plays a crucial role in the oxidation and formation of new aromatic substances during the maturation of brandy alcohol. Currently, tannin is primarily sold to Armenian companies specializing in producing cognac. From 2024 onwards, the company will also export tannin to France. Motivated to address production costs, "Mur Har" LLC participated in the RECP Green Clubs project under EU4Environment (2019-2024).
Business case on RECP assessment in Shirak Green Club member Tehmine Khachatryan PE -"Ecololik"
"Ecololik" is a micro-enterprise specializing in the cultivation of vegetables (mainly cherry tomatoes). The vegetables are grown within the company’s greenhouse, with harvests taking place once a year. During the three-month cultivation period, the company uses 500 liters of water daily. In the upcoming future, it plans to enhance the current conditions of the greenhouse by installing a photovoltaic heating system and increasing the thermal resistance of the covering structures, measures which could potentially triple the production volume. Motivated to address production costs, the company participated in the RECP Green Clubs project under EU4Environment (2019-2024).
Business case on RECP assessment in Shirak Green Club member “Hovik Papikyan-BEEGINNING” PE
“Hovik Papikyan-BEEGINNING” PE was established in 2023, drawing on local traditions, knowledge, and experience, and taking advantage of the opportunity to experiment with various forms of beekeeping (such as bio-dynamism). The company produces around one tonne of organic honey annually, with its market extending to various regions across the country, including Yerevan. The bio-dynamic approach is based on respecting the natural lifestyle of the bees and keeping the integrity of the colonies. It aims to promote the health of bees by minimizing stress factors and by letting them develop in accordance with their true nature. Motivated to address production costs and improve product quality, the company participated in the RECP Green Clubs project under EU4Environment (2019-2024).
Business case on RECP assessment in Shirak Green Club member GOHAR HARUTYUNYAN PE – “TOO2P”
Gohar Harutyunyan PE, better known to consumers as “TOO2P”, started its activities in 2020 as a waste processing organization. Initially, the company primarily produced decorative paper that was mechanically recycled from over three types of waste. The paper's composition mainly included organic, vegetable, and paper waste. These paper products were mainly used for individual items such as invitations, postcards, notebooks, and bookmarks. In 2022, thanks to improvements in mechanical paper recycling technology, the company began producing recycled paper for printing (primarily used for certificates, diplomas, certificates of appreciation, and contracts). Motivated to address production costs and improve energy efficiency, the company participated in the RECP Green Clubs project under EU4Environment (2019-2024).
Business case on RECP assessment in Shirak Green Club member "NOR HATIK BRGAHATIK” LLC
The Bavra factory unites 28 cooperatives from the Shirak, Lori, and Aragatsotn regions. Together, they form the"Nor Hatik" cooperative. The company specializes in processing and packaging various cereals, including buckwheat, wheat, peas, and barley. Its market reach extends to various regions within Armenia, including Yerevan, as well as international destinations such as France and Germany. Motivated to address production costs and improve product quality, the company participated in the RECP Green Clubs project underEU4Environment (2019-2024).
Business case on RECP assessment in “GREEN AGE” Greenhouse Charentsavan
“Green Age” Greenhouse Charentsavan specializes in growing fruits and vegetables, particularly tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and strawberries. Founded with a dedication to producing environmentally friendly and pollutant-free foods, the greenhouse operates on the principles of Circular Economy. Within its ecosystem, fish are also cultivated, with their bioactive waste serving as a natural fertilizer for plant growth. Motivated to achieve more energy-efficient production, the company participated in the RECP Demonstration Project under EU4Environment (2019-2024).
Business case on RECP assessment in "Vazgen Abgaryan" LLC
"Vazgen Abgaryan" is a manufacturer of toilet paper based on waste paper and cardboards. Founded in 1998 as a micro-enterprise, five years ago, the company purchased modern pieces of equipment through a procurement process, which is currently operating at full capacity. The company’s main products consist of non-bleached toilet paper, kitchen paper towels, and paper napkins. The enterprise itself is lucrative and has no pending loans. In the near future, it plans to expand the supply of its products by introducing new varieties of paper goods. Motivated to improve the quality of its products and address the high annual energy costs, the company participated in the RECP Demonstration Project under EU4Environment (2019-2024).
Business case on RECP assessment in "Unigroup" LLC
"Unigroup" is a manufacturer of various plastic products. Established in 2015, the company comprises 40 workers (25 men and 15 women). It spreads across 1.25 hectares and makes the quality of its products a top priority. The production of plastics is based on two methods, blowing and extrusion, and a part of the enterprise's total sales is based on a closed market trade. Here, the supply is sold to other companies under the current owner, in order to satisfy their needs for various plastic products. The enterprise is interested in acquiring new technologies, improving its operational system, reducing emissions and pollutants, and setting forth a better management of plastic waste. Future plans include the expansion to new markets and an overall increase in sales. Motivated to invest in cost reduction and improve product quality, the company participated in the RECP Demonstration Project under EU4Environment (2019-2024).
Business case on RECP assessment in "Snekarm" LLC
Established in 2006, "Snekarm" LLC is a food producer of dry bread, potato chips, sweet corn sticks, and various types of pastries, with a total production volume of 9 tonnes of products per month. Before joining the RECP Project, the company did not have any environmental policies in place. Hence, one of its main goals was to start the development of an environmental policy and identify RECP measures (such as the installation of solar PV panels, and means to recycle plastic waste) to increase its environmental performance and outlook. Motivated to achieve more energy-efficient production, the company participated in the RECP Demonstration Project under EU4Environment(2019-2024).
Business case on RECP assessment in "Sevani Ishkhan - 2" CJSC
"Sevani Ishkhan-2" is a fish processing company founded in 2014 within the framework of the programme "Recovery of trout stocks and fish breeding in Lake Sevan". The company is based in the village of Jrarat, and it rents its premises from a landlord settled within the production area. In the future, the company plans to move to a smaller production site. The company specialises in the production of freshly-chilled, lightly-salted, and cold-smoked summer, Gegharkunik, and rainbow trout. To become more competitive in the market and to expand its supply, the company has entered the process of acquiring the ISO 9001 and HACCP certification standards. Motivated to address cost reduction and energy savings, the company also participated in the RECP Demonstration Project under EU4Environment (2019-2024).
Business case on RECP assessment in "Sevan Aqua" CJSC
"Sevan Aqua" is a state-owned, fish farming company. Established in 2015 to restore the fish stock in Lake Sevan, the enterprise continued to exercise its environmental duty and maintain the reproduction and development of the trout fish. Located within the National Park, the company pursues a policy based on clean production, which limits the generation of solid waste and wastewater. As a self-funded organization, its main goal is to reduce production costs as much as possible. Motivated to address the issues of resource efficiency and cleaner production, the company participated in the RECP Demonstration Project under EU4Environment (2019-2024).
Business case on RECP assessment in "Magnon" OJSC
"Magnon" is a manufacturer of structural metal-based products. Established in 1998 on the foundations of an enterprise that got privatized, the company turned around the pre-existing technological park (equipment, tools, and infrastructural elements such as buildings, water supply, and the electricity system) and uses it as its own. Unfortunately, the company's facilities are considered obsolete and in need of either renovation (buildings and storage areas) or replacement (ventilation system, water supply infrastructure). The equipment is out of order or unrepairable, occupying one-third of the working space. Furthermore, due to a lack of proper heating and thermal insulation, the company is unable to operate during the winter season. Motivated to address energy efficiency and the well-being of its staff, the company participated in the RECP Demonstration Project under EU4Environment (2019-2024).
Business case on RECP assessment in "M.Sisakyan" LLC
"M. Sisakyan" is a sewing company established in 2017 in the province of Lori. The company provides sewing services as a subcontractor for large textile manufacturers and, therefore, its outputs are mostly export-oriented. Although the enterprise itself does not own any international certificates, one of the company's main contractors, Gloria, is a holder of the ISO 9001 certification and has implemented the standardized quality assurance system throughout M.Sisakyan.Motivated to address the high electricity costs and the generation of waste, the company participated in the RECPDemonstration Project under EU4Environment (2019-2024).
Business case on RECP assessment in "Kara yev Karen" LLC
"Kara Yev Karen" is a dairy producer from Vanadzor. The company’s main output is the fermented probiotic "Narine", used in the nutrition of infants and toddlers. Moreover, the company is the only distributor of baby food in the regions of Lori, Shirak, and Tavush Marzes. The enterprise also produces buttermilk, yogurt, cheese, and butter, to name a few. Financing is based on mid-term loans and self-financing, therefore, the enterprise is interested in reducing its annual costs, especially in terms of electricity consumption and the use of plastic containers. Plans include market expansion by introducing new products. Motivated to address its high annual energy costs, the company participated in the RECP Demonstration Project under EU4Environment (2019-2024).
Business case on RECP assessment in "Julianna" manufacturing enterprise
Established in 1999, "Julianna" manufacturing enterprise is a manufacturer of furniture that currently operates under "Wood Company" LLC. The enterprise spreads across 0.25 hectares, where both the manufacturing workshop and the store are located. The production of furniture is order-based and it accounts for 70% of the company's total income. Some of the long-term goals include sales increase and market expansion, as well as the improvement of the working environment for staff. Motivated to address production costs and product quality, the company participated in the RECP Demonstration Project under EU4Environment (2019-2024).
Business case on RECP assessment in "Lilit Derdzyan" PE (Hayq Plast)
"Lilit Derdzyan" PE, also known as “Hayq plast”, was established in 2016 as a domestic company working in the Lori and Tavush regions of Armenia. In time, the company became determined to expand its activities to the remaining regions of the country by taking part in state and open tenders. The enterprise specialises in producing metallic and plastic-based doors and windows, and pays special attention to the raw materials it uses in the production process by seeking those that have the lowest negative environmental impact. Motivated to improve energy savings, the company participated in the RECP Demonstration Project under EU4Environment (2019-2024).
Business case on RECP assessment in "GOS" CJSC
"GOS" CJSC was established in 1973 and it is located within the National Park "Sevan". In the past, the company was the largest fish farm within the Gegharkunik province, raising trout and Khramulia fingerlings. Currently, the farm grows commercial fish: rainbow trout and Gegharkunik trout, as well as crayfish (mainly for the Russian market). Due to a reduction in crayfish stock, the company’s focus is now on increasing the production and sale of trout. The main goal of the company is to sell high-quality, fresh fish products on both domestic and international markets, as well as to reduce overall production costs. Motivated to improve the quality of its products and address the high annual energy costs, the company participated in the RECP Demonstration Project under EU4Environment (2019-2024).
Business case on RECP assessment in "ERPIN" Agricultural Cooperative
"Erpin" is a dairy producer from the Yelpin community of Vayots Dzor. The company was founded in 2017 by the president of the agricultural cooperation, Mr. Artur Nazaryan, who also provided the land and infrastructure. In addition to being specialized in cheese production (11 types), the company also shows great potential for expanding production to other dairy products, such as yogurts, protein powder, and dry food for animals. The production process is based on locally available inputs (milk and fine herbs). The company’s main challenges are the excess waste (wastewater and solid residuals) from cheese production, which is disposed of in the precipitation basins without any treatment, as well as energy efficiency (as production is based on using gas, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and electricity from the grid). Motivated to minimize waste and high energy costs, the company participated in the RECP Demonstration Project under EU4Environment (2019-2024).