RECP National Conference

The RECP National Conference

The National Conference took place on 08 May 2024 in Yerevan, at Ani Grand Hotel. The meeting was organized in a hybrid format which allows participants to join online (using the Zoom platform). The meeting language was Armenian and English, with simultaneous translation.

This conference aims to showcase the achievements and lessons learned from Armenia's RECP initiatives, demonstrating the significant strides made in integrating sustainable practices across various industries.

The goal of the conference is to present the results of the RECP activities and outline innovative solutions recommended and implemented within EU4 Environment Action in Armenia. Real-world business cases from Armenia will be showcased, demonstrating how RECP principles were actively enhancing sustainability and fostering innovation in industries such as food/agriculture, construction materials, chemical production (including metal and plastic production), energy and water solutions, and technical approaches tested within pilot projects.

These initiatives go beyond merely reducing environmental impact; they focus on improving operational efficiency, cutting costs, and enhancing market competitiveness. Armenian companies, through the adoption of innovative technologies and sustainable practices, are illustrating the synergy between environmental stewardship and economic prosperity. 

This event gathers key stakeholders from Armenia's government, including the Ministries of Environment, and Economy, the EU delegation in Armenia, UNIDO, the World Bank, other international organizations, SMEs, RECP Green Club Members, expert community, academia, NGOs and organizations focused on green and circular economy agenda introduction in the country.

The conference was inaugurated by Deputy Minister Mr. Aram Meimaryan, who welcomed participants on behalf of the RA Ministry of Environment and endorsed the implementation of the project. He highlighted that promoting a green economy is a key priority for the government.

The Deputy Minister emphasized that the RECP method offers new opportunities for business development. "When a business is built with sustainable and responsible use of natural resources in mind, it can remain competitive while reducing costs. We are already seeing business proposals that incorporate green ideas in various investment programs," said Aram Meimaryan.

Mrs. Diana Muradyan, a representative of the RA Ministry of Economy, underscored the importance of international cooperation in advancing Armenia's green agenda. "The RECP method provides an opportunity to develop the SME sector in Armenia, creating a more flexible, efficient, and competitive economy," she stated.

Mr. Frank Hess, Head of Cooperation of the EU Delegation to Armenia, highlighted the project's significance. "The EU supports Armenia's transition to a circular economy. To succeed and become competitive in the international market, you need to adopt environmentally friendly practices and long-term policy perspectives," said Frank Hess. He stressed that the government should promote policies that support eco-labeled businesses producing environmentally friendly products. "We have a wonderful environmental program and are celebrating its successes today, but more work is needed."

Mr. Hess also noted that the business sector must integrate measures to mitigate the impacts of climate change into its agenda. "Armenia is part of the global climate agenda and can achieve more. Several measures need to be implemented to mitigate climate change effects, and this program, focusing on resource efficiency and green solutions, is one of them," he concluded.

Mrs. Tatiana Chernyavskaya, the EU4Environment RECP Project Manager and official representative of UNIDO, highlighted that the RECP method is universal and applicable across various industries. The method can significantly reduce the harmful effects of production and lower operational costs, including reductions in energy and water usage, and waste production. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions.

Mrs. Chernyavskaya praised Armenian enterprises that have successfully implemented the RECP method. "These businesses are our heroes, our ambassadors of change, and I hope they will inspire other businesses as well," she remarked.

She emphasized that changes in business behavior in Armenia will also positively impact the ecological footprint. "We are currently facing a global crisis; climate change and production and consumption play significant roles in this issue. If enterprises are willing to adopt environmentally friendly methods, one outcome will be a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions," said Tatiana Chernyavskaya.

Mrs. Nune Harutyunyan, the national coordinator of the RECP project, presented the project's results. "One of the biggest challenges is collecting accurate data, and we sought organizations that agreed to be transparent. Each received its own RECP package addressing water, energy costs, waste, emissions reduction, innovative solutions, and economic savings. We are nearing the completion of business plans, with 80 percent of our proposals already implemented," stated Nune Harutyunyan.

She stressed that businesses should adopt environmentally responsible practices and recognize the benefits of being green. "We face certification challenges related to EU requirements. One of our goals is to help our producers meet these standards, improving product quality and their market image. Our program aims to promote the green economy, and we hope for state attention, cooperation across all sectors, and comprehensive policy development," concluded Nune Harutyunyan.

The project's RECP technical expert, Mrs. Dshkhuhi Sahakyan, highlighted the financial support available for green businesses. "There are banks that support green business initiatives. With a well-developed business plan and clear calculations, you can apply for loans and grants. Additionally, the state should establish legal frameworks and incentive mechanisms to facilitate the application of the RECP method," she explained.

 Mr. Tigran Sekoyan, another RECP expert on the project, recommended that enterprises consider installing solar capacities ranging from 2.5 kW to 60 kW and purchasing electric vehicles to enhance their sustainability efforts.

UNIDO SMGP/PEF National Partner, Mr. Hovhannes Atabekyan, emphasized the importance of localizing international standards. "Reducing the environmental footprint is crucial for entering the market of green products. Green purchasing and green lending tools can act as catalysts for this transition," stated Mr. Atabekyan.

Mrs. Lesya Nikolayeva, a representative of the United Nations Environment Program, highlighted the significance of promoting eco-labeling in Armenia. "Eco-labeling not only helps preserve the environment but also provides a competitive edge. It serves as an advertising tool, aiding consumers in choosing environmentally friendly products," she explained.

Mrs. Astghine Pasoyan, president of the Energy Saving Fund and an RECP expert, discussed integrating RECP principles into educational programs. "Our goal is to instill sustainable thinking and logic in future business managers. The lack of state-imposed requirements in this area is a hindrance, as enterprises are not incentivized to seek effective solutions. We propose establishing production standards and subsidizing audits in enterprises," said Mrs. Pasoyan.

Mrs. Irina Ghaplanyan, Senior Advisor on Climate Change at the World Bank, emphasized the crucial role of green taxonomy in the transition to a circular economy. The relevant document is currently under review at the RA Ministry of Economy. "The primary beneficiary of this initiative is the government, which has a significant portion of the document dedicated to the necessary investments it should undertake. The private sector follows, focusing on how to mobilize green financing. Lastly, the RA citizen stands to benefit from the application of this toolkit. Establishing a verification institute during the initial phase of green taxonomy implementation is essential," stated Mrs. Ghaplanyan.

RECP Champions and Success Stories

Organizations that successfully passed the audit and implemented the program's recommendations were awarded certificates, with their products showcased at the event. Mrs Dshkhuhi Sahakyan presented the achievements of these enterprises.

Individual entrepreneur Mr. Hovik Papikyan founded "Beeginning" in the Hatsik settlement of Shirak marz, specializing in biodynamic beekeeping. "We preserve the natural lifestyle of bees and do not use artificial beeswax. In biodynamic beekeeping, no secondary processing wax is produced. Although this method is less efficient in terms of quantity, it yields high-quality honey," said Hovik Papikyan. He also mentioned plans to produce biodynamic wine from honey. As part of the project, they received recommendations to reduce water and energy costs and will be installing solar panels.

"SunCheers," a company operating in Armavir Marz, produces dried candies and dragees. Their products are exported to the USA and will be available in the Armenian market this year. Mrs. Sona Hakobyan, co-founder of the company, noted that applying RECP principles allows them to use resources efficiently. "We utilize all our waste and plan to install solar panels as well," she said.

"Eco Lolick," a greenhouse farm in the Meghrashat settlement of Shirak marz, is founded by Mrs. Tehmine Khachatryan. She mentioned that the greenhouse does not operate in winter due to the lack of heating. Experts recommended installing a 10 kW solar plant. "We will install the system in September, enabling year-round operation and allowing us to produce three crops annually instead of just one," said Tehmine Khachatryan.

Mrs. Lusine Baratyan, founder of "Lucia Food" in Vanadzor, shared that they have been implementing RECP recommendations progressively. "We installed energy-saving lamps and solar panels, and we use eco-packages. Our next goals are obtaining eco-labels, certification, and exploring export opportunities," said Mrs. Lusine Baratyan.

RECP project expert Mr. Armen Bodoyan presented the achievements of "Yerpin" agricultural cooperative in Yelpin settlement, Vayots Dzor marz. "Operating under the Artcheese brand, the cooperative produces 11 types of cheese. It processes about 500 tons of milk annually to produce 50 tons of cheese. A significant issue is the 120,000 cubic meters of wastewater. We've developed a business plan for reusing this water. Another challenge is managing plastic waste. Our solution involves collecting and sending the plastic to appropriate recycling companies. Additionally, we installed a 21 kW solar panel system, which covers the energy costs for the entire production, previously amounting to $28,000 per year," explained Mr. Bodoyan.

RECP expert Mrs. Lilit Apujanyan discussed how the "Sisakyan" textile manufacturing company in Spitak City addresses waste management. "We partnered the company with another organization that creates new products from waste, giving the waste a new life and transforming it into a new product," said Mrs. Apujanyan.

Mrs. Nune Harutyunyan, the national coordinator of the RECP program, announced the development of a program aimed at exporting Armenian agricultural products to the European market.

As part of the project, assessments were conducted in 150 organizations, with 15 of them undergoing audits. These organizations included "Magnon" OJSC, "Sevan Trout" CJSC, "Sevan Aqua" CJSC, "Vazgen Abgaryan" LLC, "GOS" CJSC, "Juliana" LLC, "Hayk Plast" LLC, "Kara and Karen" LLC, "M. Sisakyan" LLC, "Yerpin" Agricultural Cooperative, "Sis Alp" LLC, "Unigroup" LLC, "Bnakat" LLC, "Jermots" LLC, "Snekarm" LLC, "Arminashogh" LLC, "Ararat Chanshin" CJSC, "Ashtarak Dzoo" CJSC, "Elbat" CJSC, "Galik" LLC, "Kavashen" LLC, "Lukashin" Agricultural Cooperative, "Lucia Food" LLC, "Rosefrud" LLC, and "Sam Har" LLC.

Business proposals were developed for seven small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Additionally, six Green Clubs were established in Dilijan, Vanadzor, Ararat, Hrazdan, Armavir, and Shirak. The project also led to the creation of the RECP Innovation Center and the establishment of a network of RECP experts in Armenia. Overall, more than 750 people participated in the program.

During the National Conference, a small expo showcasing goods and products from companies participating in the RECP project in Armenia was held in the Ani Grand Hotel hall, generating significant interest among the conference participants.

By the end of the National Conference, certificates were awarded to the project demonstration companies, Armavir and Gyumri Green Club member organizations, and project RECP experts for their participation in the UNIDO RECP Demonstration Project within the “EU4Environment” Action. The certificates were officially presented by Deputy Minister Mr. Aram Meimaryan, Mrs. Diana Muradyan from the RA Ministry of Economy, Mr. Frank Hess, Head of Cooperation of the EU Delegation to Armenia, Mrs. Tatiana Chernyavskaya, the EU4Environment RECP Project Manager and official representative of UNIDO, and Mrs. Nune Harutyunyan, the national coordinator of the RECP project.


The National Conference on 08 May 2024 in Yerevan highlighted the achievements of Armenia's Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production initiatives. The event showcased significant progress in integrating sustainable practices across various industries. Key stakeholders, including government officials, international organizations, SMEs, and NGOs, attended the conference.

Achievements and Goals: Presentations on the results of RECP activities and innovative solutions implemented in Armenia, showcasing real-world business cases in sectors like food/agriculture, construction materials, chemical production, energy, and water solutions.

Operational Efficiency and Competitiveness: Discussions on how adopting sustainable practices improves efficiency, reduces costs, and enhances market competitiveness.

Government and International Support: Deputy Minister Aram Meimaryan emphasized government support for green economy initiatives, while representatives from the EU and UNIDO highlighted international cooperation and the importance of environmentally friendly practices.

Success Stories: Several businesses shared their successful implementation of RECP methods, including energy and water savings, waste reduction, and the use of solar power.

Challenges and Recommendations: Experts discussed challenges like data collection and certification for EU standards while proposing solutions like financial support for green businesses, promoting eco-labeling, and integrating RECP principles into education.

Overall, the conference celebrated the progress in sustainable development in Armenia while addressing the need for continued efforts and collaboration across all sectors.