Business case on RECP assessment in "Ashtarak Dzoo" LLC
"ASHTARAK DZOO" LLC is a leading egg producer in Armenia, covering over 8% of the national market. Since its foundation in 2007, the company continuously expanded; currently, it has five aviaries (one for chick breeding, and four for laying hens). The growth plans envisaged for 2015-2016 extended the facilities for three more aviaries, increasing the current capacity to a total of 275,000 laying hens. The facilities are equipped with highly automated systems such as feeding dispensers, water supply, manure removal systems, ventilation, climate control, and egg collection and packaging. Motivated to achieve more energy-efficient production, the company participated in the RECP demonstration project under EaP GREEN (2013-2017). This publication shows the company’s experience reported after the monitoring exercise conducted in 2021, four years after the programme ended. RECP measures led to the company benefits, such as the Implementation of 6 RECP options.
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