📌📌 The EU funded “European Union for Environment” (EU4Environment) RECP project is organizing Training on gender sensitization to be carried out by UNIDO and National Implementing Partner in Armenia, Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus as a part of its work on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) and Circular Economy.
📢 Training is aimed to enable local stakeholders and experts with gender mainstreaming skills, in line with the mandate of UNIDO to support sustainable industrial production and development eliminating social and economic inequalities between women and men. In Armenia, the event will take place on 8-9th of February, 2021 using the online Zoom platform, and will be focused on developing gender knowledge and sensitivity within the context of RECP.
Training objectives are to introduce project staff, partners, and other stakeholders to gender equality, develop the gender sensitivity of the participants, identify gender mainstreaming opportunities into RECP and Circular Economy practices, explore the benefits of gender mainstreaming for project partners, especially private companies, and build up skills on gender analysis, gender mainstreaming, and the implementation of gender-specific activities.
The participants will learn:
📚 Key concepts – gender and sex, discrimination, equal rights, equal opportunities, gender mainstreaming
📚 Gender stereotypes and how they affect decision-making
📚 The legal framework on gender – national and international
📚 Key statistics and parameters on gender in the project countries
📚 Gender aspects on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production and Circular Economy.
The training will gather representatives of the Ministry of Environment, EU Delegation, UNIDO, RECP Experts, National Implementing Partner, civil society as well as representatives of other key stakeholders and SMEs.
Please see a draft agenda for information
You are kindly invited to confirm your attendance by filling in the registration form
The training will be conducted through the Zoom platform.
📌 1st-day link.
📌 2nd-day link.
For additional information about the meeting, please contact
📢 Ms. Armine Hayrapetyan (REC Caucasus): armine.hayrapetyan@rec-caucasus.am
you can download files